Starting a podcast but can’t quite decide on the perfect name for your show? There are millions of podcast show names out there, and it can be difficult to pick the ideal name that’s memorable and relevant but hasn’t already been snapped up.
Perhaps a name idea has come to you, but you’ve found that it’s already been taken. Or maybe you’re not yet sure where to start.
To help you to come up with a name for your podcast, we’ve sifted through hundreds of podcast show names and have found that they typically fall into one of four categories –
- The Descriptive Name
- The Clever Name
- The Brand Name
- The Personal Name
In this article, I’m going to break down each of these types of podcast show names with some examples. Starting off by picking one of these categories will help narrow things down for you. It might even be clear straight away which one is right for your brand.
Bear in mind that some names may blur the lines between categories. But this will give you a good idea of where to start. Oh, and at the end of the article, don’t miss the 12 essential characteristics of a great podcast name.
Now, let’s get started!
1. The Descriptive Name
The podcast that does exactly what it says on the tin.
Making a podcast about cooking pizzas to promote your takeaway pizza restaurant chain? An example of a descriptive name would be “Pizza Cooking Masters”, or “The Pizza Chefs”.

A descriptive name gives potential listeners the clearest impression of what your show is about. It literally describes the show, usually in around two to six words.
That’s not to say they’re always easy to come up with, though! You still need to use descriptive and enticing words to grab the attention of potential listeners and to stick in their minds.
Some real examples of descriptively named podcasts –
Advantages of The Descriptive Name
- Easy to come up with
- May help the podcast get discovered in search (SEO)
- Potential listeners know exactly what they’re getting themselves into
Disadvantages of The Descriptive Name
- Hard to come up with a unique name
- Could make it harder for those who have already heard of your show to find you in search
- Potentially less memorable than more clever podcast show names
2. The Clever Name
The Clever Name requires a bit more thinking to come up with. A clever name gives the listener an idea of the topic of the podcast but incorporates a pun, reference or another creative element.
These names can be less immediately clear of what the podcast might be about, but still refer to the content, and can be more memorable and snappy.
Let’s stick with the pizza example. Rather than a name that directly describes the show (Pizza Cooking Masters), a more ‘clever’ name would be something like “Pizzazz” (pun) or “Toppings” (reference).
Just remember – new listeners within your niche still need to be able to get an impression of the topic and feel of your show from the name.
Advantages of The Clever Name
- More unique
- More memorable
- Easier to find in search by name…
Disadvantages of The Clever Name
- …but potentially less likely to come up in search with keywords to those who haven’t discovered you yet
- If it’s too abstract, it may be less clear to potential listeners what it’s about
3. The Brand Name
This one is self-explanatory. You could simply use your brand name. For example, let’s call this pizza restaurant ‘Pizza Platz’. Your podcast name would include your brand name, e.g. “Pizza Platz” or “Pizza Platz Stories”.
If your podcast is tied to your business, using your brand name is an easy option. Using your brand name is also an effective way of increasing brand awareness and letting your listeners know who you are.
This option can be effective for those with strong existing brands. For lesser-known brands, though, or brands that don’t have a fantastic reputation and an existing base of brand advocates, a unique identity for the podcast might be better.
Examples of brands that use their brand name in their podcast name are –
However, notice that these names aren’t simply the brand name with the word ‘podcast’ or ‘show’ on the end of them. They include other words to make them more catchy or enticing. Your content then has to live up to the name. Shopify Masters gives the impression that the listener will learn how to effectively use Shopify. So it better deliver on that!
Just because you have a branded podcast, though, you don’t have to use The Brand Name. Rise and Grind is an example of a podcast run by a company (ZipRecruiter) that has used a different type of name.
Advantages of The Brand Name
- As unique as your brand
- Your brand advocates will know where to find you
- Clear promotion of your brand
Disadvantages of The Brand Name
- Some potential listeners may assume before listening that your podcast is more of an advert than anything else
4. The Personal Brand
An offshoot of The Brand Name. The Personal Brand is a podcast named after the individual (or group) that hosts the show. Simple enough, but here are some examples –
The Personal Brand works particularly well for confident podcasters looking to boost their personal brand and who already have some recognition. It can be harder to gain traction with these names for a podcaster with no recognition, though.
Advantages of The Personal Brand Name
- As unique as your name!
- Capitalise on your existing following
Disadvantages of The Brand Name
- It’s not always clear what the show is about from the name alone
- Relies on your own recognition
The 12 Podcast Name Guidelines
Hopefully this has helped you narrow down your search for a podcast name. Once you have a few ideas written down, consider each of these 12 guidelines. Great podcast show names should get a solid pass mark on all of them.
- Make it relevant to your show
- The name shouldn’t be too long or too short
- Don’t use special characters like # or ♥
- Avoid using swear words
- The name should be easy to read
- The name should be easy to spell
- Avoid limiting yourself too much by defining a schedule or format within the name
- Avoid using ‘podcast’ or ‘show’ if it’s not needed (if you have to, get creative with it, e.g. The Gary Vee Audio Experience.
- Check if the name is available
- Keep your ideal listener in mind – would the name get them excited to listen?
- Do you like it? You’ll be reading, writing and saying it a lot!
- Aim for clear AND clever
We’ll be dropping a post soon that goes deep into the process of coming up with a podcast name. Sign up to our mailing list for updates on when this is posted, and get our Podcast Kickstart eBook for free.